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Repack maven plugin

This plugin can repackage all dependencies and classes for a JVM application into a single executable.

When to use this plugin

Create a single artifact that can be executed using the java -jar command. This plugin will take the dependencies, package them up and create a new “fat” jar that can be deployed as a single archive.

How to use this plugin

The repack plugin can be just attached to the build lifecycle to package artifacts:


Without any configuration, it will create a new artifact with the same name as the original artifact, use the repacked classifier and not add or modify any main class manifest entry.

Optional configuration options

                    <!-- common options -->
                    <mainClass>... class name containing main method ...</mainClass>

                    <!-- control name of final artifact -->
                    <finalName>... final name of the artifact ...</finalName>

                    <!-- controls content of the final artifact -->

                    <!-- advanced settings -->

                    <!-- include/exclude and control dependencies -->
Option Type Default Function
attachRepackedArtifact boolean true Attaches the artifact created by the plugin to the maven build lifecycle.
excludedDependencies set of excludedDependency elements <empty> List of dependencies that should be excluded from packaging into the final archive.
finalName string ${} Sets the name of the final artifact.
includedDependencies set of includedDependency elements <empty> List of dependencies that should be included into the final archive.
includeOptional boolean false If true, any dependency declared as optional is also packaged.
includeProvidedScope boolean false If true, any dependency declared in provided scope is also packaged.
includeSystemScope boolean false If true, any dependency declared in system scope is also packaged.
layout one of JAR, WAR, ZIP, DIR or NONE JAR The layout of the final archive. Default is JAR.
layoutFactory class name (string) <unset> Use a custom layout factory to define the archive layout. This is an advanced option. See the spring boot documentation for details. Unlike the spring-boot plugin, setting a layout factory overrides any direct layout setting.
mainClass class name (string) <unset> The main class for the final artifact.
optionalDependencies set of optionalDependency elements <empty> List of optional dependencies that should be included, even if includeOptional is set to false.
outputDirectory filesystem folder (string) ${} The folder into which the final artifact is written. Defaults to the build output directory.
outputTimestamp timestamp value (string) ${} A timestamp for the final artifact that can be used to create reproducible builds. Must be formatted as an ISO8601 (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX) timestamp or an integer number representing the seconds since the epoch.
quiet boolean false Only report warnings and errors if set to true.
repackClassifier string repacked The classifier for the final artifact.
report boolean true If true, display a summary report of all packaged and ignored dependencies and their scope.
runtimeUnpackedDependencies set of runtimeUnpackedDependency elements <empty> List of dependencies that do not function within the packaged jar and must be unpacked first.
skip boolean false If true, skip plugin execution.

Specifying dependencies

The includedDependencies, excludedDependencies, optionalDependencies and runtimeUnpackDependencies parameters all define elements for dependency matchers that are applied to the dependencies of the main artifact. The matchers can only include or exclude dependencies that are defined by the artifact, they can not add any additional dependencies.

property function
includedDependencies defines which artifact dependencies are included in the final archive. The default is the empty list; this includes all dependencies scope that the artifact has declared.
excludedDependencies defines which artifact dependencies are excluded from the final archive. The default is the empty list; no dependencies are excluded.
optionalDependencies defines which artifacts in optional scope are included in the final archive, even if the includeOptional option is set to false.
runtimeUnpackDependencies defines which artifacts are unpacked from the archive at runtime and added to the classpath using the standard java class loader. This is required for some dependencies that do not work inside the repacked archive.

A dependency is defined as <group-id>:<artifact-id>:<type>:<classifier>. Only the group id is required, all other elements can be omitted or left empty.

field default value function
group-id <unset> Matches the group id. The value * matches any group id.
artifact-id * Matches the artifact id. The default value, * matches any artifact id.
type jar The artifact type.
classifier <empty> Matches a dependency classifier. Most jars do not use classifiers.

See the plugin goals documentation for additional details on how to use this plugin.