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Any pull request that contains integration tests to demonstrate the change and unit tests that test the code changes in isolation will receive preferred treatment. If no test cases or integration tests are included, pull request may sit dormant for a longer time.


Starting with 2.0.0, building the plugin requires a JDK11+ (JDK17 or a newer LTS version is strongly preferred) installed. It will build using the Java 11 release profile to ensure that the resulting code will execute on any JDK11 or better.

The source code is “batteries included” and contains a Makefile to build the code:

Install snapshot locally:
% make install

Run unit and integration tests:
% make tests

Deploy snapshot to OSS (requires author privileges):
% make deploy 

Release new version (requires author privileges):
% make release

The last two actions require admin access to the org.basepom repository on

Developing code and sending pull requests

  • Use spaces to indent, not hard tab characters. The code base uses four space indents, please respect this.
  • Use the US-ASCII charset. If unicode characters are necessary (e.g. for a test case), please use the \uxxxx escape syntax.
  • Do not reformat an existing file or imports. If an existing file is changed, please format the code similar to the rest of the file.

Integration test suite

The duplicate finder plugin contains a comprehensive integration test suite to ensure its behavior and catch possible regressions. Any significant code change, feature addition or fix must come with a test that fails before the change is applied and passes afterwards.

Running integration tests

Run the make tests command from the root directory. The suite uses the Maven invoker plugin to execute tests.

Building older versions:

  • Before plugin version 1.3.0 An environment variable JAVA7_HOME must be set before running the build which points at the JDK7 installation. If this variable is not set, the build will fail.
  • Plugin version 1.3.x and 1.4.x The Maven toolchains plugin is used. A ~/.m2/toolchains.xml file must exist on the local system (as described in the Guide to using toolchains).