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The result file is in XML format. This reference describes version 1 of the result file format.

Any reader of a result file MUST expect and be able to deal with the documented elements and attributes. A reader MUST ignore any element and attribute that it encounters and that is not documented here.

The result file version will increment when there is a backwards incompatible change (e.g. a mandatory field gets removed or a new mandatory field gets added). Backwards compatible changes (e.g. adding a new attribute or element that is optional or removing an attribute that is optional) will not change the version number of the file.

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<duplicate-finder-result version="1">
  <project artifactId="..."
  <configuration skip="..."
                 <!-- quiet, includeBootClasspath and bootClasspathProperty are no longer present in 2.0.0+ -->
        <conflictingDependency currentProject="..."
            <dependency artifactId="..."
        <dependency artifactId="..."
    <result name=".."
        <conflict name="...">
            <conflictResult name="..."
                <conflictName name="...">
                  <artifact artifactId="..."
                  <conflictName name="...">
        <classpathElements type="...">
          <classpathElement name="...">


Lists of elements

In a number of places, lists of elements are written. These lists follow the maven convention of an enclosing element in plural and a list of elements in singular:


A list can be empty, so only the enclosing element is present.

Dependency definitions

A dependency is written as a single dependency element with attributes:

Attribute name Function Always present
artifactId artifact id for the dependency yes
groupId group id for the dependency yes
version version for the dependency no
versionRange version for the dependency no
classifier classifier for the dependency no
type type for the dependency yes
<dependency artifactId="first-class-jar" groupId="testjar" type="jar"/>

dependency elements may be grouped as a list, in which case the enclosing element may have a different name.

duplicate-finder-result element

This is the root element.

Attribute name Function Always present
version result file format, currently 1 yes
Child element name Function
project Information about the current project
configuration Plugin configuration information
results A list of result elements which contain the plugin execution results

project element

Full name: duplicate-finder-result.project

This element contains basic information about the project.

Attribute name Function Always present
artifactId artifact id from the POM yes
groupId group id from the POM yes
version version from the POM yes
classifier classifier from the POM yes
type type from the POM yes

configuration element

Full name: duplicate-finder-result.configuration

Contains the plugin configuration as attributes. All available configuration options are present as attributes. All attributes are always present.

Attribute name Type Notes
skip boolean always false
quiet boolean ** removed in 2.0.0 + **
checkCompileClasspath boolean
checkRuntimeClasspath boolean
checkTestClasspath boolean
failBuildInCaseOfDifferentContentConflict boolean
failBuildInCaseOfEqualContentConflict boolean
failBuildInCaseOfConflict boolean
printEqualFiles boolean
preferLocal boolean
useDefaultResourceIgnoreList boolean
useDefaultClassIgnoreList boolean ** Plugin version 1.2.1 + **
useResultFile boolean always true
resultFileMinClasspathCount integer
resultFile string
includeBootClasspath boolean ** Plugin version 1.1.1 +, removed in 2.0.0 + **
bootClasspathProperty string ** Plugin version 1.1.1 +, removed in 2.0.0 + **
Child element name Function Notes
ignoredResourcePatterns A list of ignoredResourcePattern elements from the plugin configuration
ignoredClassPatterns A list of ignoredClassPattern elements from the plugin configuration ** Plugin version 1.2.1 + **
ignoredDependencies ignoredDependencies contains a list of dependency elements from the plugin configuration
conflictingDependencies Contains a list of conflictingDependency elements

The ignoredResourcePattern list will also contain the deprecated ignoredResource elements if they are used in the configuration.

conflictingDependency element

Full name: duplicate-finder-result.configuration.conflictingDependencies.conflictingDependency

Reflects a configured conflicting dependency from the configuration.

Attribute name Type Notes
currentProject boolean This is the value of the currentProject element from a conflictingDependency element in the configuration
currentProjectIncluded boolean Reflects whether the current project is present in this conflicting dependencies list. This can be set by either setting the currentProject flag or including a dependency that matches the current project.
wildcard boolean true if this is a wildcard match (no classes, packages, resources or resourcePattern elements defined.
Child element name Function
dependencies Contains a list of dependency elements which participate in this conflicting dependency definition.
packages A list of package names from the plugin configuration.
classes A list of class names from the plugin configuration.
resources A list of defined resources from the plugin configuration.
resourcePatterns A list of defined resource patterns from the plugin configuration.

result element

Full name: duplicate-finder-result.results.result

Contains a duplicate finder plugin result. As the plugin will evaluate different classpath settings, there may be more than one result.

Attribute name Type Notes
name string The classpath name for this result. Current values are test, compile and runtime.
conflictState string Overall state of this result. Can be no-conflict, content-different or content-equal.
failed boolean true if this result failed the overall build, false if not.
Child element name Function Notes
conflicts A list of conflict elements describing the conflicts in this result.
ignoredResourcePatterns A list of ignoredResourcePattern elements which contain ignored resources for this result.
ignoredClassPatterns A list of ignoredClassPattern elements which contain ignored classes for this result. ** Plugin version 1.2.1 + **
ignoredDirectoryPatterns A list of ignoredDirectoryPattern elements which contain local directory names that were ignored for this result.
classpathElements A list of classpathElement elements.

The classpathElements element can occur multiple times.

conflict element

Full name: duplicate-finder-result.results.result.conflicts.conflict

A conflict contains one or more conflictResult elements as a list. A conflict has multiple conflictResult elements if the same dependencies have multiple conflicts (e.g. two jars contain multiple, different classes with the same name).

Attribute name Type Notes
name string An unique name for a specific conflict. This name is a comma-separated list of the nested conflictName element name attributes.

conflictResult element

Full name: duplicate-finder-result.results.result.conflicts.conflict.conflictResults.conflictResult

A conflictResult element contains a single conflict between multiple class path dependencies.

Attribute name Type Notes
name string The class name (for a class) or the resource name for a classpath element.
type string The type of elements listed. Current values are classes for classes and resources for resources.
excepted boolean true if any exception rule has excluded this conflict from failing the build.
failed boolean true if this conflict has failed the build.
printed boolean true if this conflict was reported as part of the plugin output.
conflictState string The type of conflict. Can be content-different or content-equal.

The conflictResult element contains a list of conflictName elements.

conflictName element

Full name: duplicate-finder-result.results.result.conflicts.conflict.conflictResults.conflictResult.conflictNames.conflictName

Attribute name Type Notes
name string An unique name for this specific conflictName element.
artifact boolean ** Plugin version 1.1.1+ ** True if the element has a nested artifact element.
localFolder boolean ** Plugin version 1.1.1+ ** True if the element represents a local project folder. It has either a nested directory or file element.
bootClasspathElement boolean ** Plugin version 1.1.1+, removed in 2.0.0+ ** True if the element represents an element from the boot classpath. It has either a nested directory or file element.

This element has one of the following elements nested:

  • artifact describes a classpath artifact which contains the class or resource in conflict. Its attributes are identical to a dependency element.
  • directory is an absolute directory path which contains the class or resource in conflict. This is an absolute path which generally is not portable.
  • file is an absolute file path which contains the class or resource in conflict. This is an absolute path which generally is not portable.

classpathElements element

Full name: duplicate-finder-result.results.result.classpathElements

Contains a list of classpathElement elements.

Attribute name Type Notes
type string The type of elements listed. Current values are classes for classes and resources for resources.

classpathElement element

Full name: duplicate-finder-result.results.result.classpathElements.classpathElement

Attribute name Type Notes
name string The class name (for a class) or the resource name for a classpath element.

Contains a list of file elements which describe the absolute location of a classpath resource which contains the element listed. A classpathElement is only present in the output file if its child count is greater or equal to the value of the resultFileMinClasspathCount setting in the plugin configuration. The values of the file child elements is an absolute path which generally not portable.