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The duplicate finder plugin ignores the following classpath elements by default unless the useDefaultResourceIgnoreList flag is set to false.

Regular expression Description
^META-INF/.* matches any resource inside a META-INF directory in the classpath hierarchy root. Jars store information in META-INF and some resources actually must be on the classpath multiple times (e.g. for the Java Service Provider facility).
^OSGI-INF/.* matches any resource inside an OSGI-INF directory in the classpath hierarchy root. OSGi components store their information in this directory.
^licenses/.* matches any resource inside a licenses directory in the classpath hierarchy root. This is a common place for storing component specific license resources which often have the same name.
.*license(\.txt)?$ matches any resource ending in license or license.txt. This is a common name for license resources which tend to get sprinkled all across dependencies.
.*notice(\.txt)?$ matches any resource ending in notice or notice.txt. This is a common name for resources (e.g. in Apache provided jars) which tend to get sprinkled all across dependencies.
.*readme(\.txt)?$ matches any resource ending in readme or readme.txt. This is a common name for component information which tend to get sprinkled all across dependencies.
.*third-party(\.txt)?$ matches any resource ending in third-party or third-party.txt. This is a common name for resources (e.g. in Apache provided jars) which tend to get sprinkled all across dependencies.
.*package\.html$ matches any resource ending in package.html. The old name of which tend to get sprinkled across jars and then clash if a package is populated from multiple jars.
.*overview\.html$ matches any resource ending in overview.html. This is a common name for documentation which tend to get sprinkled all across dependencies.

The duplicate finder plugin ignores the following classes by default unless the useDefaultClassIgnoreList flag is set to false.

Regular expression Description
^.*\$/.* matches Java inner and nested classes. Before plugin version 1.2.1, this match was implicit and could not be turned off. Plugin version up to 1.3.0
module-info JDK 9 module-info class. Plugin version 1.3.0+
^(.*\.)?.*\$.*$ matches Java inner and nested classes in any package. Plugin version 1.4.0+
^(.*\.)?package-info$ matches Java package-info class files in any package. Plugin version 1.4.0+
^(.*\.)?module-info$ matches Java module-info class files in any package. Plugin version 1.4.0+

The following local directory names will also always be ignored. Files in these directory are never checked or touched by the plugins:

Regular expression Description
^.git$ git SCM directory
^.svn$ Subversion SCM directory
^.hg$ Mercurial SCM directory
^.bzr$ Bazaar SCM directory