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These options control aspects of the plugin execution.


  <!-- Version 1.1.1+, removed in 2.0.0+ -->
  <!-- Version 1.1.1+, removed in 2.0.0+ -->

  <!-- removed in 2.0.0+ -->
  <!-- removed in 2.0.0+ -->
  <!-- Version 1.2.0+ -->
  <!-- Version 1.2.0+ -->


Skips the plugin execution completely. If the quiet flag is false, the message Skipping duplicate-finder execution! is output at INFO level.

If the quiet flag is set to true, the message is only visible at DEBUG level if maven was run with the -X option.

Maven command line property: duplicate-finder.skip (Plugin version 1.1.1+)

Default: false


** Note: This option was removed in version 2.0.0 **

Reduces the amount of output that the plugin generates. Only errors and warnings are reported.

Maven command line property: duplicate-finder.quiet (Plugin version 1.1.1+)

Default: false


Check the compile classpath for duplicates. This includes all dependencies in the following maven scopes: compile, provided, system.

Maven command line property: duplicate-finder.checkCompileClasspath (Plugin version 1.1.1+)

Default: true


Check the runtime classpath for duplicates. This includes all dependencies in the following maven scopes: compile, runtime.

Maven command line property: duplicate-finder.checkRuntimeClasspath (Plugin version 1.1.1+)

Default: true


Check the test classpath for duplicates. This includes all dependencies in any maven scopes.

This is the most comprehensive check because it includes any maven scope. It is very rare to have duplicates on the runtime or compile classpath and not on the test classpath.

Maven command line property: duplicate-finder.checkTestClasspath (Plugin version 1.1.1+)

Default: true


Fail the build if any class or resource on the classpath is duplicate and their SHA256 hash is different.

Maven command line property: duplicate-finder.failBuildInCaseOfDifferentContentConflict (Plugin version 1.1.1+)

Default: false


Fail the build if any class or resource on the classpath is duplicate and their SHA256 hash is equal. Setting this flag to true also reports any equal file equivalent to printEqualFile.

Maven command line property: duplicate-finder.failBuildInCaseOfEqualContentConflict (Plugin version 1.1.1+)

Default: false


Fail the build if any class or resource on the classpath is duplicate, regardless of the SHA256 checksum.

Maven command line property: duplicate-finder.failBuildInCaseOfConflict (Plugin version 1.1.1+)

Default: false


Report files that exist multiple times on the classpath even if their SHA256 hash is equal.

Maven command line property: duplicate-finder.printEqualFiles (Plugin version 1.1.1+)

Default: false


This element is only relevant for multi-module builds. If it is set to true, the plugin will prefer the local sub-modules (using their target/classes and target/test-classes folders) in the current build over matching artifacts from the local or remote artifact repository.

This is almost always the preferred setting because it ensures that the latest (current) build of other sub-modules is checked. The only real use case for setting this flag to false is when building each sub-module separately (not using the full multi-module build) and installing the resulting artifacts into the local repository.

Maven command line property: duplicate-finder.preferLocal (Plugin version 1.1.1+)

Default: true


Available in plugin version 1.1.1 until version 2.0.0 .

Activate duplicate check against all classes from the boot classpath. This usually includes the JDK class library (rt.jar) and any additional jars that the JDK provides to an application.

Maven command line property: duplicate-finder.includeBootClasspath

Default: false

Warning! This option no longer works in JDK9+ because of changes in the classpath mechanism in JDK9. A warning was added in version 1.3.0+.


Available in plugin version 1.1.1 until version 2.0.0 .

The system property which holds the JDK boot classpath. For most JDKs, this will be sun.boot.class.path but it is possible that some Third Party JDKs use a different system property.

Maven command line property: duplicate-finder.bootClasspathProperty

Default: sun.boot.class.path


Available in plugin version 1.2.0 and later.

By default, any projects that uses pom packaging is skipped. When setting this configuration option to true, POM projects will also be checked.

Default: false

Maven command line property: duplicate-finder.includePomProjects