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Field formatting

date fields use Java date time formatter syntax. See the date field description for more details.

The string, number, uuid and macro fields support the format attribute to format its output using the Java formatter syntax:

The format attribute is used to with String#format() and most be formatted accordingly. The value field must contain a single %s placeholder and can use all formatting characters related to this placeholder.

Note that for all fields (even number fields), the placeholder must be %s for a string!

Field regular expressions

All fields support a regexp attribute that can be used to apply a regular expression to the output of the field. Regular expressions are applied after formatting and before transformations.

A regular expression must match all characters of a field (start with ^ and end with $) and contain at least one capture group.

This example captures the numeric part from a build tag by using a regular expression:


Field transformers

The property helper plugin defines a set of transformers that can be applied to field and property values. Transformers are configured as a comma-separated list and will be executed left-to-right.

The following transformers are defined:

  • lowercase - transform all alphabetic characters into their lowercase equivalent in the current locale
  • uppercase - transform all alphabetic characters into their uppercase equivalent in the current locale
  • remove_whitespace - remove all whitespace characters
  • underscore_for_whitespace - replace all whitespace characters with _
  • dash_for_whitespace - replace all whitespace characters with -
  • use_underscore - replace all - characters with _
  • use_dash - replace all _ characters with -
  • trim - remove all leading and trailing whitespace

This example converts an existing property into all-uppercase and replaces any whitespace and - characters with the underscore _:


Transformers can also be applied to property elements in a property group.