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Property groups definition

For simple field definitions or properties, a field definition is sufficient. However, for more advanced use cases, such as activation based on build conditions or more complex properties that combine multiple field types, property groups need to be used.



This configuration defines a single property group build-tag with a single property build.tag, which is exposed to the maven build properties.

This property is defined as the combination of three separate fields, a date, a uuid and a persistent build number.

Similar to the different field types, property definitions as part of a property group can contain direct (${ ... }) property references or “late binding” property references using @{...}.

Property groups can be activated specifically if a build is a snapshot or release build.

A property group can have the following attributes:

configuration attribute allowed values required default value function
id any string yes - Sets the name of the field
activeOnRelease true, false no true Whether to activate this property group if the current build is a release build
activeOnSnapshot true, false no true Whether to activate this property group if the current build is a snapshot build
onDuplicateProperty ignore, warn, fail no fail Action when a property is defined multiple times
onMissingField ignore, warn, fail no fail Action when a referenced field is not defined
properties list of property definitions no (none) Property definitions that are part of this property group

A property definition can have the following attributes:

configuration attribute allowed values required default value function
name any string yes - sets the name of the field. Unlike all other objects, this attribute is not called id to allow multiple definitions of the same property in different property groups.
value any string yes - sets the value for the property field. This is usually a combination of placeholders (${...} and @{...}) and text.
transformers comma-separated list no (none) Define transformers for the property value

The “late binding” property references (@{...}) in a property definition can reference all defined fields independent of whether they are exposed as a maven build property or not.

Property group activation

By default, all defined property groups are always active. However, each property group provides attributes to control activation for release (non-SNAPSHOT) and snapshot builds:


This configuration provides a property release.tag for each build. If the build is a release build, the value will be RELEASE, otherwise it will be a UUID value.

While the two property groups define the same property (release.tag), they do not clash because one is only active when a release is built and the other only when a snapshot is built.

For more complex use cases, it is also possible to activate specific groups explicitly using the activeGroups attribute:

                        <activeGroups />

In this example, multiple groups are defined as part of the plugin management section and the actual plugin execution is controlled by setting the needed active group in a maven profile. This allows consolidation of configuration in one place and then group activation as needed.

Note that there is a difference between no activeGroups attribute present and empty activeGroup attribute:

By default (no activeGroups attribute present), all groups are active.

Adding an empty <activeGroup /> attribute to the configuration turns off all groups (no property group is active).